Saturday, June 25, 2011

Okay, our first night in Tokyo we stayed at a Business Hotel in the suburb called Funabashy (foonahbashee). . Our room was about the size of a college dorm room, It was small but clean and the bed was comfortable. Aside from the toilet instructions, in the earlier post, Charles and I noticed that the pillows had some kind of beans in them, which Hiromi said was cut hay. It was a little strange at first, but we both got used to the pillows and they were fine. Also, the lights in the room didn't work unless the key was in a certain slot near the bathroom, right before you leave the room. So if you left, and you took your key, the power was out to the lights in your room while you were gone. Fortunately, the air conditioner and refrigerator do not shut off when you go out. Near our hotel there was a capsule hotel. The rooms in a capsule hotel are about 3 feet by 3 feet by seven feet long. The floor is a mattress, and you crawl in, shut the door, and sleep. It is about $15/night. The main customers of a capsule hotel are people who drank too much and missed the last train. They just need somewhere to sleep.

Charles and I got up this morning and went jogging along a canal, until it reached the bay. The total run was maybe three miles. Funabashi is a very old city, and the roads are narrow, with a variety of types of homes and buildings crammed in next to each other. Here is a view from the balcony of our hotel.

Here is the view we have now:

No wait, Charles and Hiromi are blocking the view.
Here's the view:

That's all for now. It may be 8:30 saturday morning in Tulsa, but it is 10:30 pm here. I'm tired!


  1. What a great idea to blog about your trip. It looks like you guys are having great time! I would love to visit Japan some day. Are you there strictly for pleasure?

  2. We will be in Japan for thirty days, pleasure only. We have plans to travel all over Japan, except for the Sendai region.


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